Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Guardian

The Guardian
By Nicholas Sparks
Genre: fiction, thriller, Romance
Summary: Julie looks like her life is perfect; newly married, great husband, comfy house, and all the love she needs, but that all changes when her husband Jim dies from cancer. He leaves her shortly before Christmas, and she spends the holidays alone thinking of him. On Christmas Eve, there was a knock at the door; she opens it to find a box with a letter from Jim and a little Great Dane puppy looking up at her…her Guardian. Fast forward five years, Singer, the Great Dane, isn’t a puppy anymore and he is Julie’s other half. Julie has decided to start to open up and go out into the dating world. She has feelings for two men, Mike, Jim’s best friend or Richard, a handsome construction manager who has all the right motives, or so she thinks. Mike and Julie have deep feelings for each other; they just ignore them because they feel it is going against Jim to be together. Julie falls head over heels for Richard, but after a few months dating she senses something shady about him, and so does Singer. Richard is so controlling of Julie, and he keeps accidentally calling her Jessica. He says he has been married before, but his ex-wife left him. Julie doesn’t think that his story makes sense, and decides to end the relationship. Richard is very unhappy; he ends up asking Angela, one of the women that Julie works with to a date. She agrees, but the day after the date, she is found brutally beaten in a ditch outside of town. Julie keeps getting the feeling someone has been watching her while she is at home; whether it be when she is sleeping, eating, or just reading. Mike tells her he will live with her to protect her, but Mike ends up getting beaten almost to death; is Julie next? Is Richard behind the beatings?
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
This book was one of the best books that I have ever read. It was suspenseful, but also it was a romantic story between two people who are made to be together. Nicholas Sparks knows how to make you think “Wow, what will happen next?” I absolutely loved this book, I could not put it down! I would recommend this book to girls. It’s not that it’s a sappy romance novel, but it’s just more of a book girls would like. I also would like to add that it would be a good idea to be over the age of 12 to read this book because of some of the content is gruesome and inappropriate for young people.
Favorite Part: My favorite part was the ending. I can’t tell you exactly what happens because I don’t want to give it away. I will say, it doesn’t end how you think it will.
-Sidney Dorr Gallagher

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