Friday, October 7, 2011


Title: Tangled
Author: Carolyn Mackler
Genre: Fiction
Summary:  Tangled takes place in Paradise, a summer resort.  It is told from the view points of four main characters: Jena, Dakota, Skye, and Owen.  Jena is your average teenage girl. She is quieter, likes to read, and has some issues with self-esteem.  Dakota is a hot jock and is used to getting any girl he wants.  Skye is popular, pretty, and planning to become an actress.  Owen is a computer geek and an avid blogger.  Overall, these four teenagers couldn’t be any more different from each other than they already are.  However, over four months in Paradise their lives come together in unexpected ways.  They each grow and change as individuals as they become “tangled” in each other.
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars.  Tangled was a very enjoyable read.  The author did a really great job of giving each character their own distinguished voice.  As I was reading, I found myself getting pulled into the story and taking sides with my favorite character.  I would recommend this book to any teenage girl!


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