Friday, October 7, 2011

I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You

Title: I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have To Kill You
Author: Ally Carter
Genre: Fiction
Summary: Cammie Morgan is a 16-year-old girl at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women. What the world doesn’t know is how exceptional the girls at the Gallagher Academy really are. The Academy is a school for young spies in training. Starting her sophomore year Cammie gets a new teacher, and a new love life. She meets an ordinary boy whom she really likes; but their relationship is forbidden. Will their relationship remain a secret? Or will they be allowed to be together in the public eye?
Recommendation: I would recommend this book to people my age (12-18 years old) because it can be relatable to what people that age are going through.
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars because this book was action-packed and full of adventure and romance. I absolutely loved this book and the ending was very climatic. I could not put it down!
Favorite Passage:  “‘He’s looking for you Cam,’ Bex said, beaming as if she’d just made the first step in cracking the ultimate code. Silence washed over us. My heart pounded in my chest. Bex and Liz were staring at me, but I couldn’t pull my gaze away from what we’d found – from the hope that was spread out across our floor. I guess that’s why none of us noticed the door opening I guess that’s why we jumped when we heard Macey McHenry say, ‘So, what’s his name?’”
Series: This is the first book in the 4 book series. The other books in order are Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover, and Only the Good Spy Young.

-Hope Montana


  1. What are they going to do when they are spies?

  2. They will do complicated missions just like other spies. They first have to be recruited by one of the government agencies to be spies. If you read the next few books it will go in greater detail about that.

    ~Hope Montana~
