Title: Rumble Fish
Author: S.E. Hinton
Genre: Fiction
Summary: Rumble Fish is about a teenager named Rusty-James, a tough kid who idolizes his older brother, the Motorcycle Boy. Rusty-James really likes to fight and wishes everyone would follow the rules in a fight. Rusty fears being left alone and becomes attached to people, like Steve, his best friend, and Patty, his girlfriend. Rumble Fish takes a look at life in a gang, drug use, hero worship, and alienation. Rusty-James is opposed to drug use, but drinks frequently.Rusty misses a lot of school, so he isn't really book smart, instead he uses his fists, not his brains.
Rating: I give Rumble Fish 4 stars because it's a very good book, but it's kind of old, so it's harder to relate to some of the characters and understand what they are facing.
Audience: I would recommend this book to teenage boys. It's exciting and a great read! It's also a fast read, very short.
Max Powers
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